14th Century Life of ordinary citizens through the lens of the extraordinary Bishop
The Red Book of Ossory on public display for the first time from July 29th.
Discover the remarkable Red Book of Ossory. Created almost 700 years ago, it is on public display here for the first time. From medieval distillation to a bishop’s poetry, its pages reach into the past and show us, through scribed words, aspects of Kilkenny life previously obscured by centuries
The book was penned in Kilkenny almost 700 years ago by a most extraordinary bishop, the Bishop of Ossory, Richard Ledrede. On loan from the Representative Church Body Library, the book is returning ‘home’ to go on public display for the first time in history.
People are invited to preview the exhibition and its centrepiece, The Red Book of Ossory, from Monday, July 29th at St. Canice’s Cathedral. The 79-vellum page artefact will “spark imagination and connect local people with their history,” according to the Very Reverend Stephen Farrell, Dean of Ossory.
Entrance to the exhibition is included in the entrance fee to the Cathedral.
Book your ticket below.
The unveiling of a new exhibition at St. Canice’s Cathedral tells the stories of Medieval Kilkenny and the lives of our forebearers. It offers a glimpse into the life of ordinary citizens through the lens of the extraordinary Bishop Ledrede – who held the See of Ossory from 1317 to 1360.
A man of faith and science, Ledrede wanted to reinvigorate his See. To bring order and stability to the townspeople and clergy, setting traditions and laws to reflect the societal challenges of his time. He set out his vision within the pages of The Red Book of Ossory.
Ledrede banned clergy from playing football on the grounds of the cathedral. He also said they should put away their concubines and 'none below the rank of a bishop is to absolve from murder'. In 1324, he famously accused noblewoman Alice Kyteler of witchcraft and heresy.
The earliest recorded recipe for distilling Aqua Vitae, a letter from King Edward III, an early provision of the Magna Carta, plus poems and songs composed by Ledrede are among its highlights.
Have a listen to our own Dean Stephen interview Dr John Gillis on the morning of the book’s arrival to the Cathedral here.
Have a listen to Dean Stephen interview Harry, our musical director on the morning of the books arrival here.
A journey through time and page
An important local artefact, The Red Book holds the earliest recorded recipe for distilling Aqua Vitae, used for medicinal purposes as the Black Death ravaged Europe. The 'water of life' is known as whiskey, today.
A letter from King Edward III is preserved along with an early provision of the Magna Carta and records of church state and law, theology, taxes and rents. Poems and songs composed by the good Bishop to replace the 'vile' secular songs of the townspeople.
It also set out several crimes that could lead to excommunication including, violence to the bishop, slander, tax avoidance and farming on church land.
The exhibition space will take visitors on a journey through the pages of the red book and look back at life in Ireland in the 14th century.
The exhibition features, Medieval Kilkenny, creating the book - why it was written, witchcraft, democracy and rights, poems and songs, aqua vitea - the water of life, The Magna Carta, King Edward's concern that the English in Ireland had gone native!
A hugely significant document that has survived the centuries and connects us with the past.
Despite plagues, war, and the passing of time, The Red Book has survived the centuries.
Written in Latin, Old English and French, it was intended for well-educated church members. Today it is displayed for all to see.
"Any day we welcome the people through the door of the cathedral is a good day! The cathedral that gives Kilkenny its name - Church of Canice, Chill Chainnigh, Kilkenny.
The book is as true to Kilkenny as it gets. Ledrede is woven through all our stories. We look forward to welcoming visitors from every corner of the world to see this remarkable piece of living history,"Dean Farrell
We would like to thank our supporters, without whom this exhibition would not be possible
Maeve Callan's lecture on The Life of Richard Ledrede

The Launch of the Red Book of Ossory
Minister privileged to launch exhibition at packed Cathedral
The Red Book of Ossory exhibition officially open
St. Canice's Cathedral has been humming with excitement, welcoming a wave of new visitors since unveiling its year-long exhibition, The Red Book of Ossory.
The much-anticipated 14th-century manuscript was recently returned to the Cathedral, where it was written 700 years ago. Last night, Thursday, August 29th, the Minister of State for Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, T.D., was guest of honour at the official launch event.
Minister Noonan said The Red Book was "a massive addition to an already remarkable array of culture and heritage on offer here in Kilkenny" and spoke about its potential to boost cultural tourism in the city and draw visitors from across the world before he declared the exhibition officially open.
The exhibition is now open for all to step back through page and time to discover the lives of ordinary citizens in Medieval Kilkenny and learn about an 'extraordinary' bishop and his manuscript, The Red Book of Ossory.
The Dean and Chapter welcomed over 100 guests, representing commerce, tourism, heritage, the church and the wider local community, to mark the occasion.
Other special guests at the packed event included Cllr Andrew McGuinness, Mayor of Kilkenny, Cllr David Fitzgerald, Most Reverend John Mc Dowell, Archbishop of Armagh, Right Reverend Adrian Wilkinson, Bishop of Ossory, Bishop Niall Coll and Most Reverend John Mc Dowell, Archbishop of Armagh.
Speaking at the event, the very Rev. Stephen Farrell, Dean of Ossory, expressed gratitude to the Minister and welcomed esteemed guests. He said,
"Having the Red Book of Ossory back in Kilkenny is a huge boost for our city and for our collective tourism offering. It is wonderful to be able to show such a book in its proper context – in the contemporaneous Chapter House in which some of it may have been written, only a few metres from Ledrede’s final resting place in the Chancel. I trust that the Book will enrich the experience of many visitors to Kilkenny and offer an insight into one of the better-known figures in our medieval past."
Guests were entertained with a reflective monologue written by Kilkenny filmmaker John Morton and performed by well-known local actor Brendan Corcoran appeared, "not merely as a figure of authority, or as a representative of the See of Ossory, or even, as a ghostly spirit."
The piece highlighted that Ledrede’s record was crafted to preserve the essence of Kilkenny in the 1300s for future generations. It reflects on Kilkenny's resilience during challenging times, such as the famine, the Bruce invasion, and the Black Death and its ‘enduring spirit’ that continues today.
The figure of Ledrede spoke of the importance of music, like The Red Book itself, a tradition that has endured the centuries, while the St Canice's Cathedral choir sang a piece composed by the good Bishop led by Dr Harry Meehan!
Dean Farrell concluded,
"It is a proud moment for us in the cathedral to see the Red Book of Ossory return to this ancient place, and a great many people have been involved in the journey.
This exhibition would not have been possible without the support of a great many partners – the Heritage Council, Kilkenny County Council, Kilkenny Tourism, The Kilkenny Whiskey Guild, The Representative Body of the Church of Ireland, The Church of Ireland Priorities Fund, and Ecclesiastical Insurance. I wish to thank each for their support and for their vision in realising what the Red Book could mean for Kilkenny."
St Canice’s Cathedral noted its gratitude to receive the Community Monuments Fund for St. Canice’s Cathedral Close & Tower project, kindly funded by CMF for €30,000 and thanked the Minister. The project is due to be completed in October 2024.
The Red Book of Ossory exhibition runs until August next year, 2025 accompanied by a series of talks, lectures, concerts, and educational programmes, available via Eventbrite.